Investing in buy to let property is a smart way to invest your money. With low interest rates for savings and pension funds crisis' wouldn't it be better to put your money into a tangible asset that could give you a much better return and an instant monthly income?  

Finding the right property in an area with a high rental demand is key. Most buy-to-let investors look for properties near where they live. But your town may not be the best investment in terms of yield. The advantage of a property close by is being able to keep an eye on it, but if you will be employing us as an agent we can do this for you.  

The rental income should more than cover the mortgage repayment and also give you a profit. These gains are religiously accounted for, saved and hoarded against future rises in mortgage rates or other unforeseen expenses - and to fund future investments.  

The rental market is growing, with more single people and first time buyers being pushed out of the market until they have a 20% deposit. It is anticipated that over the next few years there will be substantial growth both in terms of demand and increase in rental prices.  

A buy to let property investment is a safe long term investment, despite the fluctuation, property prices are expected to rise.  

At Bluebelle Property Investments we will not recommend a property that we would not invest in ourselves !

All our investment properties are recommended using strict criteria on location, price and rental income/demand.  

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you achieve exceptionally high yields and build your long term wealth with a secure low risk strategy then please make an appointment below.

Plan and improve your future financial prosperity - make a consultation with one of our property advisors


The Anchor, Mill Street, Clowne, S43 4JN

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